The Masonic High Council
Mother High Council of the World

Confederation of Regular Grand Lodges
International Conference of Craft Grand Masters and Grand Secretaries



1.The Purpose of the MHC is to be the centre of union and coordination between all international Regular Masonic jurisdictions.

2.The MHC serves to cement the fraternal bonds between Regular Grand Lodges and Masonic High Councils throughout the world and to maintain good communication and flow of information between all the Regular Grand Lodges of the Confederation.

3.For the maintenance and continued administration of the MHC an annual contribution from all member Grand Lodges shall be due. The size of the Annual Dues shall be set by general vote in the International Grand Assembly of the MHC Annual Grand Meeting.

4.The Grand Assembly of the MHC will meet as and when required or by a regular motion from a majority of its constituent bodies and receives propositions regarding the recognition of Masonic Bodies worldwide. Bodies not recognised by the Masonic High Council of England & Wales World are considered irregular and no inter-visitation is permitted.

5.The MHC has as its charter the principles aims and objectives drawn up and accepted in the Treaty of London”(2006) and the “Accord of Paris”(2006) and is furthermore bound by the following declaration.


Circulating throughout Europe in 1740 was a written Masonic Obligation stating that all Freemasons will preserve the Antient Traditions and Customs of the Craft. This fact is recognised universally amongst Regular Grand Lodges.
In order to preserve the original meaning and to prevent any further deviation and other irregular innovations taking place, the Masonic High Council -The Mother High Council issued the following Masonic Document under the name of “The Foundations of Regular Craft Ritual”, to be used as the guidelines of Antient Craft Freemasonry as the basic requirements for the perpetuation of Regular Craft Freemasonry.

a) All Craft Freemasonry Rituals had their origin in England.

b) That there be no debarment from membership because of nationality, race, colour, political belief and that a belief in a Supreme Being and His revealed will must be an essential qualification for membership.

c) That all Initiates shall take their Obligation on or in full view of an open Volume of Sacred Law, signifying a belief in a Supreme Being, which is binding on the conscience of the Initiate. The book of Kings must be present as this is where the record of the building of King Solomon’s Temple is first given and constitutes the base of the Craft legend.

d) That a Regular Grand Lodge shall have sovereign jurisdiction over the Lodges in its recognised territory and shall therefore be an independent, responsible, self-governing organisation with sole and undisputed authority over the Craft or Symbolic Degrees (Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason) within its jurisdiction and shall not in any way be subject to, or divide such authority with, a Supreme Council or other entity claiming any control or supervision over those degrees.

e) That the ceremonies of the Mark Man and Mark Mason to the Fellow Craft Degree and Installed or Past Master Ceremonies to the Master Mason Degree in accordance with the workings or ceremonies of Ancient Craft Freemasonry should be used to compliment the Regular Three Degrees.

f) That no Master Mason shall be allowed to take the Chair of a Regular Craft Lodge unless he has been properly installed according to antient custom.

g) That Three Great Lights of Freemasonry and the Three Lesser or Movable Lights of the Lodge as defined in Antient Freemasonry must always be on display when the Grand Lodge or its constituent Lodges are at work.

h) That all lodges belonging to Regular Grand Lodges throughout the world shall be set up in accordance with the permitted plans issued by the MHC.

i) That the principles of the Ancient Charges, Customs, and Usages of the Craft as circulated by the MHC, shall be observed accordingly.

j) That Grand Officers and Officers of a Craft Lodge must be elected annually.

k) That Masonic clothing and Regalia will conform to that permitted by the MHC.

l) That a Grand Lodge may use whatever ritual it wishes as long as it conforms with the Antient Freemasonry.

m) That any discussion of religion and politics within the Lodge shall be prohibited.
These Masonic principles constitute the Foundations of Regular Craft Ritual.

6.The International Confederation of Regular Grand Lodges affiliated with the MHC the Mother High Council, will file a Report of Grand Communication to the MHC at least twice per annum.

7.The first report from the Grand Communication shall be due on or before June the 24th the second report on or before December the 27th each year. Each Report of Grand Communication is to be sent to the Secretary General of the MHC via registered mail and by e-mail.

8.If a Report of Grand Communication is not receive on or before the above dates by a Regular Grand Lodge affiliated with the MHC than a letter explaining the facts shall be sent to the Secretary General, with an alternative date for said Communication. Failure of a Regular Grand Lodge to hold a Communication on two consecutive occasions may result in suspension of full membership of the Grand Assembly.

9.The MHC will issue its Annual Grand Assembly Report of Communication in the English Language.

10.The Regular Grand Lodge Report of Communication will include a full list of its present Lodges, the names of its Grand Officers and confirmation of the correct address and contact of the Grand Lodge.


11.The MHC the Mother High Council will have thirty seven Officers;

one President
Vice Presidents
one Secretary General
Deputy Secretary Generals
one Treasurer General
Deputy Treasurer General
one Chancellor
Pro Chancellor
Grand Inspector Generals for South America
Grand Inspector General for Central America
Grand Inspector Generals for the USA
Grand Inspector General for Canada
Grand Inspector General for the Middle East
Grand Inspector General for Western Europe
Grand Inspector General for Eastern Europe
Grand Inspector General for Northern Europe
Grand Inspector General for Southern Europe
Grand Inspector General for Central Europe
Grand Inspector General for Central Asia
Grand Inspector General for South East Asia
Grand Inspector General for Northern Asia
Grand Inspector General for Southern Asia
Grand Inspector General for Eastern Asia
Grand Inspector General for Oceania
Grand Inspector General for North Africa
Grand Inspector General for East Africa
Grand Inspector General for West Africa
Grand Inspector General for Central Africa
Grand Inspector General for Southern Africa

11.1 The MHC Officers have no right to vote unless they are a current serving Grand Master of Grand Secretary in their Jurisdiction, and only have the right of vote in that capacity. The office of Officer in the MHC does not give the office holder the right of vote on its own.

12.All MHC Officers are elected yearly at the MHC Annual Grand Meeting.

13.All Officers can be re-elected.

14.The function of a Grand Inspector General is to report to the MHC Grand Assembly on all matters relating to the Craft in all Jurisdictions in his area of responsibility. All reports must first be sent in writing to the Grand Secretary the particular Regular Grand Lodge prior to bringing the subject to the MHC Grand Assembly.

15.The functions of a Grand Chancellor are to visit, inspect and liase with all Regular Jurisdictions wishing to join the MHC Federation.

16.The qualification for the office of Grand Chancellor is as follows:

President – Grand Master or Pro Grand Master, Past or present.

Vice President – Grand Master, Past Grand Master, Past or present or Grand Secretary Past or present.

Secretary General – as above.

Treasurer General – as above.

Deputy Secretary General – as above.

17. The Office of Grand Inspector General can only be fulfilled by an Past Grand Master or Past Grand Secretary, or Past Senior Grand Officer of a Grand Lodge belonging to the Federation.


18.Voting Members of the Grand Assembly Communications of the MHC are the Grand Master and Grand Secretary of each Grand Lodge Jurisdiction only.

15.1In case a jurisdiction has not yet formed a Grand Lodge the Masonic High Council Senior Grand Officer and Secretary General have the right of vote.


15.2The Masonic jurisdiction of Italy is represented by The the President of the MHC of Italy.

15.3The Masonic jurisdiction of the United States of America is Represented by the President, two Vice-Presidents and the Secretary General of the MHC of the USA and all have the Right of vote.

15.4The Masonic jurisdiction of Brazil is represented by the President, two Vice-Presidents Secretary General of the MHC of Brazil and all have the right of vote.

15.5The Masonic jurisdiction of India is Represented by the President, two Vice-Presidents and the Secretary General of the MHC of India and all have the right of one.

15.6Upon establishment of a Regular Craft Freemasonry Russia the Masonic jurisdiction of Russia will be Represented by the President, two Vice-Presidents and the Secretary General of the MHC of Russia and all of them have the right of vote.

15.7With the exception of the above all other Masonic Jurisdictions have the right of vote for the Grand Master and the Secretary.

19. Past Grand Masters are members of the MHC but with no right of vote, but may be elected to the posts of President, Vice President, Secretary General and or Deputy Secretary General of the MHC.


20. A Grand Assembly Communication shall take place annually and will be styled “The General Conference of the Masonic High Council”. The place and date of this communication will be determined by the MHC Officers. All MHC Officers and members will be summoned to this Grand Assembly Communication by registered mail and e-mail by the Secretary General. The date of the General Conference of the Masonic High Council must be confirmed no less than three months prior to the meeting actually taking place.

21.The Masonic High Council exists to consolidate and provide a platform for fraternal dialogue between the Regular Grand Lodges of the world and does not have any powers to control or dictate to any Grand Lodge in their respective jurisdictions.


22.A General Board of Jurisprudence and Masonic Regularity is of the essence in order to assist the MHC Secretary General to maintain and enforce the aims and purposes of the original Craft.

Dimitrij Klinar , MHC
Secretary General


If you have any questions or comments, we would be pleased to hear from you.


© Masonic High Council the Mother High Council of the World 2005