Appended Philosophic and Chivalric Orders

Organisation of Degrees, Orders, Ceremonies and Honours

A Regular Grand Lodge has sole Jurisdiction over Craft Freemasonry and confers the degrees of:

Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason, and employs the ceremony of a Board of Installed Masters in which the Worshipful Master of a Lodge is installed and invested.

It confers the; Mark Mason Ceremony on Master Masons in a regular Craft Lodge of Master Masons lowered to the Fellow Craft degree.

Grand Royal Arch Chapter
Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch

The degrees controlled by the Grand Royal Arch Chapter are:

- Royal Ark Mariner,
- Select Master, Royal Master, Most Excellent Master and Super Excellent Master,
- Royal Arch including the Ceremony of the Veils and the Inner Workings of Royal Arch Freemasonry as practised in the Crypt of York Minster since Antients times.


The Holy Royal Arch or Chapter as it is commonly known.
The qualification for joining Chapter is that of being a Master Mason for a minimum of 4 weeks.

The meeting are called Convocations, and the ceremony is called The ceremony of Exaltation.
The degree deals with the rebuilding of the second Temple at Jerusalem and sets out to restore the genuine secrets of a Master Mason.
This is accomplished by workmen who make a monumentus discovery during their labours and from this a most interesting and illuminating explanation of the nature of God is conveyed.
The Regalia of the Order is an Apron, Sash and Jewel.


The Degree of Royal and Select Masters is also known as Cryptic Masonry as it deals with Secret Vaults built beneath The Temple at Jerusalem.
The qualification for joining is that of being a Mark Master Mason and a Royal Arch Mason.

The meetings are held in a Council. There are 4 Ceremonies: - Select Master,
Royal Master, Most Excellent Master & Super-Excellent Master.


The Select Master Degree relates how a well-known mason employed by King Solomon accidentally intrudes on a meeting of The Three Grand Masters held in a secret vault beneath the Temple and the consequence of his intrusion.


The Royal Master Degree is set in a time just prior to the completion and dedication of the first Temple and refers to a certain Fellowcraft making diligent enquiry of Hiram Abiff as to when he might receive the secrets of a Master Mason.
The subsequent disquisition by our Grand master is one of the most enthralling pieces of ritual in Freemasonry.


The Most Excellent Master Degree deals with the completion and dedication of the First Temple.


The Super-Excellent Master Degree is about the first Temple down to the time of its imminent destruction by the troops of Nebuchadnezzer.
Therefor this Order fills the gap between Mark and Chapter and so completing the Solomonic Degrees.
The regalia of the order is a triangular Apron and Jewel.


Royal Ark Mariners or RAM as it is known.
The meetings are held in a Lodge and the qualification for joining is that of being a Mark Master Mason.
The ceremony is called The ceremony of Elevation.
The Degree deals with the period of Noah, his family and the deluge.
The Worshipful Commander represents Noah and the two wardens his two sons Japheth and Shem.
An interesting facet of this degree is the positioning of the two wardens as in an old Craft Lodge, both in the West.
The regalia is an Apron and Jewel.

Concordant Bodies

- Ancient English York Rite


4th Ancient Master;

5th Symbolic Elect, or Little Elect;

6th Ecossais of Heredon;

7th Mason of the Secret, or Royal Arch.


- The Ancient English Rite

4th Perfect Master
5th Elect, First degree
6th Elect, Second degree
7th Elect of Fifteen
8th Illustrious
9th Perfect Irish Master, Prevost and Judge
10th True English Master
11th Royal Arch
12th Apprentice, Fellowcraft Master Architect
13th Little Architect
14th Grand Architect
15th Ecossais Purifier
16th Grand Ecossais
17th True and Perfect Ecossais
18th Sublime Ecossais
19th Knight of the Temple
20th Knight of the East
21st Commander of the East
22nd Prince of Jerusalem
23rd Grand Master ad Vitam
24th Prussian Knight
25th Knight Kadosch


- Early Grand Rite of Scotland

- The Scottish Rectified Rite

4th Scottish Master of Saint Andrew

5th Squire Novice
6th Knight Beneficent of the Holy City

7th Profefss C+B+C+S

8th Grand Profess C+B+C+S



Chevaliers Bienfaisant de la Cite Sainte or CBCS, the English translation is Knights Beneficent of the Holy City.
The CBCS is the oldest Order connected with Freemasonry, which has had a continuous existence.
The qualification for membership is that of Knights Templar and at least one year as a Master Mason!

The Grades of the Order are:
Scottish Master of St. Andrew.
Perfect Master of St. Andrew.
Squire Novice.
Knight Beneficent of the Holy City.

Scottish Master of St. Andrew: This grade makes reference to the Divine tradition of the Temple of Solomon and the presence of the Holy Shekinah. It also infers that while the first Temple was laid to ruins there still remained within the sacred knowledge of the God of Israel.
Perfect Master of St. Andrew: Here the legend of the second temple is developed, exhorting the true seeker to penetrate the tomb of Hiram in search of the lost word.

Squire Novice: This grade recounts a legend that at the dawn of the Christian era, wise sages dwelling within the Holy City were converted to Christianity by St Mark.

Knight Beneficent of the Holy City: In the final grade it is revealed to the Novice that at the Zenith of ancient Egyptian civilisation a religious dogma existed, which was identical with that of Christianity.

Further more there is the Ceremonies of Profess Knight and Grand Professed Knight.

- The Ancient and Primitive Rite

Section 1


4 Grado - Maestro Discreto
5 Grado - Perfecto Maestro Arquitecto
6 Grado - Secretario íntimo o Sublime Maestro
7 Grado - Caballero Intendente de los Edificios, o Maestro de Palestina
8 Grado - Maestro Preboste y Juez,  Ritual
9 Grado - Caballero Maestro Electo de los Nueve
10 Grado - Ilustre Caballero Electo de los Quince
11 Grado - Sublime Caballero Electo
12 Grado - Caballero Gran Maestro Arquitecto
13 Grado - Caballero del Arco Real
14 Grado - Caballero Gran Electo de la Bóveda Sagrada, Gran Escocés de la Bóveda Sagrada de Jaime VI
15 Grado - Caballero de la Espada o de Oriente
                - 2 Punto Caballero del Oriente de Strasbourg
16 Grado - Caballero Príncipe de Jerusalén
17 Grado - Caballero de Oriente y Occidente
18 Grado - Caballero Príncipe Rosa Cruz de Kilwinning o de Heredon
-  Caballero de la Águila y del Pelicano o Soberano Príncipe R+C
-  Caballero Rosa Cruz
-  Hermanos de la Rosa Cruz o de los Adeptos

Section 2


19 Grado - Caballero Gran Pontífice de Jerusalén o Sublime Escocés de la Jerusalén Celeste
20 Grado - Venerable Gran Maestro de las Logias o Caballero Gran Maestro del Templo de Sabiduría
21 Grado - Caballero o Patriarca Noaquita o de la Torre
22 Grado - Caballero del Líbano o Real Hacha
23 Grado - Caballero Jefe del Tabernáculo
24 Grado - Caballero del Águila Roja o Príncipe del Tabernáculo
25 Grado - Caballero de la Serpiente de Airain o de Cobre

26 Grado - Caballero Trinitario, Príncipe de Misericordia
27 Grado - Caballero de la Ciudad Santa
28 Grado - Caballero del Templo
29 Grado - Caballero San Andrés del Cardo
30 Grado - Gran Inquisidor
31 Grado - Sublime Príncipe del Real Misterio
32 Grado - Caballero Teutónico, Ritual
33 Grado – Sublime Cabalero Kadosch
34 Grado - Caballero de la Escandinava
35 Grado - Gran Caballero del Templo o Gran Sublime Kador
36 Grado - Caballero Philalethes o Caballero Sabio de la Verdad
37 Grado - Caballero Hospitalario
38 Grado – Caballero del León
39 Grado - Caballero Comendador de la Estrella
40 Grado - Caballero de la Triple Cruz
41 Grado - Rituel de Maître Ecossais Vert
42 Grado - Caballero del Líbano
43 Grado - Sublime Sabio Filósofo Hermético, Adepto o Aprendiz Filósofo Sublime y Desconocido

Section 3


44 Grado - Knight of Sweden, or Illuminated Philosopher
45 Grado - Novicio del Interior
46 Grado - Caballero del Interior
47 Grado – Caballero de las Siete Estrellas
48 Grado - Caballero Templario Kadosch de la Palestina
49 Grado - Sublime Sabio de las Pirámides
50 Grado - Sublime Caballero
51 Grado - Caballero del Phoenix
52 Grado - Minero Clave Masónica Grado 1
53 Grado - Lavador Clave Masónica Grado 2
54 Grado - Soplador Clave Masónica Grado 3
55 Grado - Fundidor Clave Masónica Grado 4
56 Grado - Escudero Novicio
57 Grado - Caballero de la Ciudad Santa
58 Grado - Profeso Caballero de la Ciudad Santa
59 Grado - Gran Profeso Caballero de la Ciudad Santa
60 Grado - Sublime Guardián de los Tres Fuegos o Patriarca de los Planisferios
61 Grado - Caballero del Delta Sagrado
62 Grado - Sublime Sabio de Eléusis o de Heliópolis
63 Grado - Caballero de las tres Águilas de Oro o Coronadas
64 Grado - Sabio Pontífice de Mitras
65 Grado - Interprete de los Jeroglíficos, o Patriarca de Isis
66 Grado - Juez Filosofo Gran Comendador Desconocido
67 Grado – Caballero del Arco Iris
68 Grado - Caballero de la Cábala
69 Grado - Sabio Caballero de la Rama Dorada de Eléusis o Patriarca de la Verdad
70 Grado - Verdadero Masón Adepto
71 Grado - Caballero de los Argonautas
72 Grado - Caballero del Vellón Dorado
73 Grado - Aprendiz Elu Cohen
74 Grado - Compañero Elu Cohen
75 Grado - Maestro Elu Cohen
76 Grado - Grand Arquitecto
77 Grado - Grand Electo de Zorobabel o Caballero de Oriente
78 Grado - Comendador de Oriente, aprendiz Reaux-Croix
79 Grado - Sublime Filosofo
80 Grado - Caballero Filosofo Electo
81 Grado - Caballero del Temple o Caballero Electo
82 Grado - Patriarca de Memphis, Sublime Caballero del Triángulo Luminoso
83 Grado - Novicio de la Estrella del Oriente
84 Grado - Profeso de la Estrella del Oriente
85 Grado – Sublime Gran Patriarca de la Estrella de Jerusalén
86 Grado - Sublime Maestro del Anillo Luminoso
87 Grado - Sublime Príncipe de la Masonería, Gran Emperador del Oriente
88 Grado – Pontífice de la Ciudad Mística o Iniciado en los Misterios
89 Grado - Caballero Adepto de la Aguila o del Sol
90 Grado - Sublime Maestro de la Gran Obra

Section 4


91 Grado – Filosofo Desconocido, Gran Catequista de la Orden
92 Grado - Gran Defensor de la Orden, Soberano Príncipe de Memphis, Jefe del Gobierno de la Orden
93 Grado - Príncipe de Memphis, Grande Regulador General de la Orden
94 Grado - Príncipe de Memphis, Gran Administrador de la Orden
95 Grado - Príncipe Patriarca, Gran Conservador General de la Orden, Soberano Príncipe de los Jefes del Santuario de Memphis, Gran y Poderoso Soberano Imperial de la Orden




International Council of Sovereign Grand Conservator Generals
of the 95th and last degree of the Order of memphis

Rui Gabirro, 95 Grand Conservator General of the order for the two Hemispheres

Ivan Pablo Pedrazas, 95 Sovereign Grand Conservator General - Bolivia

Carlos H. Dellavedova E., 95 Sovereign Grand Conservator General - Paraguay

Sovereign Grand Conservator General – United States of America

Miguel Chacon-Vargas, 43 Hermetic Philosopher - Costa Rica

Soberano Santuario de Venezuela

Carlos Ararat Negrón, 95º Soberano Gran Conservador General

Francisco Rojas Carvajal , 95º Gran Pontífice, Portavoz del Soberano Gran Conservador General 95º y último Grado.

Miembros Activos:

Andrés Eloy Murzi , 95º
Enrique de Jesús Marcano , 95º
Rodrigo Armas Frezza , 95º
Edgar Pulgar Polanco , 95º
Luis Enrique Lugo , 95º
Giovanni Guarrasi Sigona , 95º
Gonzalo Calderón Rueda, 95º
Carlos Eduardo Guevara 95º

Templo Místico

Francisco Rojas Carvajal , Gran Pontífice, Portavoz del Gran Conservador General 95 º y último Grado, Guardián de las Sagradas Tradiciones, Príncipe de Memphis, Sublime Comendador de las Tres Legiones de la Orden Condecorado con la Gran Estrella de Sirius.

Carlos Eduardo Guevara Pérez, Gran Canciller, Administrador General , Príncipe de Memphis.

Andrés Eloy Murzi Sifontes , Príncipe de Memphis, Intérprete de los Jeroglíficos Masónicos , Guardián de las Sagradas Tradiciones, Príncipe de Memphis, Sublime Comendador de las Tres Legiones de la Orden Condecorado con la Gran Estrella de Sirius.

Giovanni Guarrasi Sigona , Príncipe de Memphis, Gran Inspector General , Sublime Comendador de la Legión de los Caballeros Eleusios.

Enrique de Jesús Marcano León , Príncipe de Memphis Regulador de la Orden , Grande Comendador de la Legión del Vellón de Oro.

Rodrigo Armas Frezza, Príncipe de Memphis, Inspector Administrador .

Gonzalo Calderón Rueda, Príncipe de Memphis, Sagrado Depositario del Tesoro de la Orden , Grande Comendador de la Legión de los Caballeros Sadah.

Edgar Pulgar Polanco , Príncipe de Memphis, Miembro Gran Oficial

Luis Enrique Lugo, Príncipe de Memphis, Miembro Gran Oficial

Supremo Gran Tribunal De Los Patriarcas Defensores De La Orden

Edgar Pulgar Polanco , 95º Patriarca Grande Magistrado, Presidente.

Giovanni Guarrasi Sigona , 95º Patriarca Gran Defensor de los Estatutos de las Reglas de la Orden.

Enrique de Jesús Marcano León , 95º Patriarca Gran Orador, Consejo para la Defensa.

Luis Enrique Lugo, 95º Patriarca Primero.

Andrés Eloy Murzi Sifontes , 95º Patriarca Analista, Registrador.

Gonzalo Calderón Rueda , 95º Patriarca Inspector, Colector.

Francisco Rojas Carvajal , 95º, Carlos Eduardo Guevara Pérez , 95º Patriarcas Grandes Jueces.


- The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite

4th Apprentice Mason of Practice
5th Fellowcraft of Practice
6th Perfect Master
7th Perfect Irish Master
8th Little English Mater
9th English Master
10th English Master by Curiosity
11th English Master, or the Golden Ring
12th Secret Master
13th Master of the Lodge
14th Elected of the Nine,
15th Elected of P. or the Unknown
16th Elected of the Fifteen
17th Little Elect
18th Illustrious Master
19th Perfect Elected Master
20th Little English Elect


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- Rite of Perfection

4th Secret Master
5th Perfect Master
6th Intimate Secretary, by curiosity
7th Provost & Judge & Tracing Board
8th Intendant of the Buildings & Tracing Board
9th Master Elect of Nine
10th Illustrious Elected of 15
11th Sublime Knights Elected & Tracing Board
12th Grand Master Architect
13th Knights of the Royal Arch
14th Perfection ultimate of Symbolic Masonry
15th Knights of the East
16th Princes of Jerusalem
17th Knights of the East and West
18th Knights of the White Eagle or Pelican
19th Scotch Masonry, by the name of Grand Pontiff
20th Sovereign Prince of Masonry or Master ad vitam
21st Prussian Knight or Noachite
22nd Knights of the Royal Axe
23rd Knights of the Sun, Princes Adept, Key of Masonry
24th Knights of Kadoch, The Nec plus Ultra of Masonry
25th The Royal Secret

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- Rite Primitif of Namur 1770

4th Perfect Master
5th Irish Master
6th Elected of nine
7th Unknown Elected
8th Elected of fifteen
9th Illustrious Master
10th Perfect Elected
11th Ecossais Apprentice or Little Architect
12th Ecossais Fellowcraft or Great Architect
13th Sublime Architect or Scottish Master
14th Master of Perfect Architecture
15th Royal Arch
16th Noachite or Prussian Knight
17th Knight of the Sword or Knight of the East
18th Prince of Jerusalem
19th Worshipful Master ad vitam
20th Knight of the West
21st Knight of Palestine
22nd Knight Rose Croix
23th Sublime Ecossais Master
24th Knight of the Sun
25th Grand Ecossais Master of St Andrew
26th Mason of the Royal Secret
27th Knight of the Black Eagle
28th Knight Kadosh
29th Grand Elected of Verity
30th Novice of the Interior of the Temple
31st Knight of the Interior of the Temple
32nd Perfect of the Interior of the Temple
33th Commander of the Interior of the Temple


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- The Ancient and Accepted Rite 1804

4th Secret Master
5th Perfect Master
6th Intimate Secretary
7th Provost and Judge
8th Intendant of the Building
9th Elected Master of Nine
10th Illustrious Elect of Fifteen
11th Sublime Knight Elect
12th Grand Master Architect
13th Royal Arch
14th Perfection, or Grand Ecossais of the Sacred Vault of James VI
15th Knight of the East
16th Prince of Jerusalem
17th Knight of the East and the West
18th Sovereign Prince Rose - Croix
19th Grand Pontiff, or Sublime Ecossais
20th Grand Master of Symbolic Lodges, or Master ad Vitam
21st The Noachite, or Prussian Knight
22nd Royal Axe, or Prince of Lebanon
23rd Chief of the Tabernacle
24th Prince of the Tabernacle
25th Knight of the Brazen Serpent
26th Prince of Mercy
27th Sovereign Commander of the Temple
28th Knight of the Sun, or Prince Adept
29th Grand Master Ecossais of S Andrew, of Scotland
30th The Philosophic Kadosch, or Grand Elect Knight of the White and Black Eagle
31st Grand Inquisitor Commander
32nd Valiant & Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret
33th Grand Inspector General


- The Rite of Adonhiramite

4th Perfect Master - Maitre parfait
5th Elect of Nine - Premier Elu, qu L'Elu des Neuf
6th Elect of Perignan - Second Elu nomme Elu de Perignan
7th Elect of Fifteen - Troisieme Elu nomme Elu des Quinze
8th Minor Architect - Petit Architecte
9th Grand Architect or Scottish Fellow Craft - Grand Archirecte ou Compagnon Ecossais
10th Scottish Master-Maitre Ecossais
11th Knight of the Sword, Knight of the East or of the Eagle - Chevalier de l'Epee surnomme, Chevalier de l'Orient ou de l'Aigle
12th Knight of Rose Croix - Chevalier de la Rose Croiz

Declaration of the Grand Lodge of the 3 Globes at Berlin



If you have any questions or comments, we would be pleased to hear from you.


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© Appended Philosophical Bodies and Chivalric Orders 2005-2011

© The Masonic High Council 2005-2011