Joining the Regular Grand Lodge of England

Craft Lodges

1. An existing Craft Lodge, meeting regularly under the jurisdiction of another constitution, may apply to join the RGLE, and by so doing elect to retain its name and number.

2. Joining Lodges will be able to exercise more autonomy over its affairs because the Regular Grand Lodge of England recognises the importance of Free Masonry at Lodge level.

3. Lodges have a greater say in the management and organisation of the Order as a whole by regular attendance and full participation in votes of the Brethren at Grand Lodge Communications.

4. The same applies to Lodges applying to join from territories overseas.

Master Masons

1. Master Masons applying to join from other constitutions or jurisdictions prior to the consecration of the RGLE in June 2006 may do so, and may keep their ranks, honours or modes of address.

2. Masons of other jurisdictions applying to join the RGLE after the consecration of the Regular Grand Lodge of England, will be re-made as Masons.

Manner for rehabilitation of an irregular brother

A brother, who has been initiated irregularly, has for his rehabilitation to address a request to the assembled lodge. The Master has it read by the secretary, and after having obtained the unanimous consent of the brethren, has him enter and stand to Order, without apron and gloves. Placed between the two wardens he interrogates him. Then he invites him to approach the base of the throne traversing the lodge, and so repeat his obligation upon the VSL. He has to abjure and to promise from now on never to attend, nor to receive any degree in a lodge, which is not regular, not to attend to any illegal or clandestine masonic assembly. He then embraces him and decorates him, and sends him out to be recognized by all brethren, beginning with the eldest dignitaries. The Brother Orator or Past Master will no doubt discuss the abuse of bastard lodges and the necessity to keep to regular lodges, where the work is performed in all its purity.

Please either e-mail or mail your request to:

Please either e-mail or mail your request to:

RW Bro. Steve Phillips
Grand Secretary

Polite Notice

Please Note: The Masonic High Council the Mother High Council of the World, acknowledge the existence of something called UGLE but the Masonic High Council The Mother High Council of the World doesn’t recognize it as being in any way shape or form a regular Craft Grand Lodge, as it has deviated from the Craft so much, and in a manner which is now beyond difficult Masonic recognition. For those wishing to pursue the erroneous path of the UGLE workings please visit their web site at, and good luck!

If you have any questions or comments, we would be pleased to hear from you.


© The Masonic High Council 2005